[GIS] ArcGIS spatial join – WITHIN A DISTANCE including distance


I am applying a spatial join in ArcGIS between points (target features) and lines (join features). I want to have a 1-to-many join, so I use the match option 'within a distance'. So far so good.
The annoying thing is that I need to have the distance between the point and the matched lines within the search radius. I do not find any solution for this. Is there someone who has a good tip for me that will do the trick?

The final goal is that I need to join the points to the line that is nearby, but also has some other characteristics (equal value on some attributes, but also a timestamp that needs to be higher in 1 class than the other which I don't succeed in working with in arcGIS anyway). These kind of data preparation I do afterwards in other tooling. That's why I can't just take the one that is closest…

Best Answer

In your case I would rather use "generate near table" in order to have the N closest lines. you can then apply your decision rules on the resulting table in order to select the points that match best. (remark : only available with advanced licence, unfortunately)

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