ArcGIS Server – ArcGIS Server Geoprocessing Service: Resolving Issues with Asynchronous and Synchronous Processes


I'm working a geoprocessing service for ArcGIS 10.1+ written in Python / arcpy.

It runs fine in asynchronous mode, but does not write output to disk when switched to synchronous. I know that synchronous services are supposed to use the arcgisoutput directory, but nothing appears there, or output is deleted before the client can request it.

In forming the output path, I use the arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace variable, which is set to the jobs directory in both async and sync.

What can explain this instability in an ArcGIS Server geoprocessing service when running synchronously?

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

Async writes to the Job directory and those results are persisted until the Server cleans them up. Sync sends the results back to the client.

With a GP Service you should return a file or data, not a directory (especially with Sync). The framework is meant to return these outputs, it isn't meant to return a folder you can browse to. You'd have to expose output directories and then send back a basic string of that location.

In this case you may need to set your output to file and return it like:

arcpy.SetParameterAsText(#, os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchFolder, "")) 
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