[GIS] arcgis server 10.1 site url


should my "site manager" url contain "localhost:6080"? or should it be "(my pc name):6080"? After giving arcgis server account permissions to proper folders I created my site, but it has the name "localhost:6080", will I still be able to link published services with REST Url when making web maps? I am on ags server 10.1.

I have a .com registered and I am making a subdomain at the moment. How do I point my arcgis server to this domain? (the process to making my files accessible outside my network) or do I need a webserver and arcgis for server installed to do what I wish to do?(making web maps accessible to people on the internet). I do not have a web server installed. I am trying to install arcgis for server 10.1 on my windows 7 ultimate machine.

According to Branden, using "http://gis.mycompanywebsite.com/arcgis/rest/services/101/my_service_name/MapServer" Will point my javascript to my services, using this will it matter if I have localhost in my url, if so, how do I avoid having a localhost site?

Best Answer

It doesn't matter as long as you access the Manager from that machine. In order to access from a different machine you need to use either the fully qualified domain
or from inside your network the machine name the machine name can be used.
The 6080 is required only when you don't have the web adapter installed.

If you don't have a .com registered you will need to do that.
If your company has a .com you can "if IT will allow" register a sub domain
(they can probably take care of that for you)
like gis.mycompanywebsite.com (the gis is the subdomain part).
Once you have the domain or subdomain you don't need to do anything else (except wait for it to propagate). you will just call that external ip or url in your javascript.
comments are ok but try to keep them to a min. you can edit your original question with augmented or enhanced information to help the question.


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