[GIS] ArcGIS Server 10.1 Map Service Not Using Maximum Instances


I'm running a stress test tool that's simulating 10 concurrent requests for an ArcGIS Server 10.1 (Windows) Map Service. I have the Map Server set to use a maximum pool of 4 instances.

I'm not using caching – these are full screen map images based on random coordinates within a bounding area of interest.

Regardless of whether I'm using File Geodatabase, PostGIS or SQL Server as the source of the data – the maximum number of instances that gets used is 2.

FYI – the requests are coming from separate threads and are staggered by 200ms with an in-between request delay of 1000ms. So I would expect it to fire on all cylinders during the test.

Any ideas why it never uses the maximum number of instances?

Best Answer

Instances in Server 10.1 are pooled by default. Once a request is completed, the instance is returned to the pool and not held by the requester. Given that, your 1000ms delay might be too much time in between requests. 2 instances might be enough to handle that much volume. Try reducing your delay between requests and see if the number in use goes up.

Also, is this a single machine cluster with 4 instances per machine? Or is it a different configuration? If it is a two machine cluster with 2 instances per machine, it is possible that one of the machines is unable to fulfill the requests for some reason. If that is the case, you should see logged errors for that machine and you will never see more than 2 instances in use.

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