[GIS] ArcGIS Online Groups for Public and Organization Accounts


I need to share data with public accounts from my organizational account within ArcGIS Online. I don't want to make the data shareable to everyone, just within a group. But when I try to invite the public user to my organization group I get this generic error message:

Generic Error Message

If I create a group with the public account, I can't invite the organizational user and the organizational user can't find the group.

I may be barking up the wrong tree and this may be a limitation of ArcGIS public accounts, but I've been searching for a while and haven't found anything conclusive to that effect. Perhaps there actually is an error in the back-end?

FYI – I am try to share collector apps in my organization. We have about 7 tablets and I want to have a unique account for each tablet. I was hoping to have public accounts for each tablet. In addition we plan to share certain collector apps with members of the public, once again I don't want to share the app with everyone, but only certain members.

Best Answer

From the help: http://doc.arcgis.com/en/arcgis-online/share-maps/own-groups.htm

You can only invite people who have the same type of account that you have. If you have an organizational account, you can only invite organizational accounts to join your group. If you have a public account, you can only invite public accounts to join your group. In this case you might want to have level 1 users who are just going to be viewing the content accessing it.

If you plan to use Collector that requires a named user with a level 2 org account. Public accounts will not work with Collector and cannot sign in.

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