[GIS] ArcGIS ModelBuilder Iterate Tables and XY Event Layer


I'm running into an issue that was not addressed in a previous question, but linked to a similar issue (ArcGIS modelbuilder: Iterate through Excel sheets?).

I'm using ModelBuilder to import .xlsx tables into Arc and turn them into point data.

My problem is not based in the naming of the outputs or converting the points to feature classes, it's actually linked between the Iterate Table tool and Make XY Event Layer tool.

Whenever I connect my excel workbook to iterate tables, the output table is directly connected to the make XY event layer (as seen in the first answer on the link) but does not seem to actually connect the table coordinates. In Make XY Event it has no X or Y fields to display. I checked on Esri's page on the tool and my data meets all the requirements for the tool. I even ran the tables separately in the tool to verify that they would work. Everything runs fine until the incorporation of the Iterate Tables tool. At one point it actually connected with no problem and then disconnected when I tried to verify the model. I can't seem to find the answer to why this is happening on google either. I'm fairly new to ModelBuilder so I'm afraid I'm just making a simple mistake with the iterate tool, but there isn't much to actually mess up so I'm stumped.

Extra details, the table used only contain Lat and Long data to minimize issues and I'm using ArcMap 10.2.2

Best Answer

I was able to get around the problem by removing all data from the spreadsheets except the xy coordinates and place each sheet of the workbook in their own .xlsx file in one folder to be iterated.

This was the only solution I found for my data.