[GIS] ArcGIS Geoprocessing Script runs fine in Desktop but crashes as Geoprocessing Service


I have a small and simple geoprocessing script that I am trying to expose as a geoprocessing service in ArcGIS Server 10 SP4. The script is below. Pardon the hard-coding…

With the hard-coded variables, this script runs perfectly fine in desktop. However, once published as gp service, it crashes in a bad way, like I can't even trap the error. The exact message in the GIS Server log – "Container process 6436 has crashed on machine westchamp24-pc."

A couple of potential causes I can eliminate right off the bat:

  1. Permissions: The entire D: drive is wide open to the 'Everyone' user
  2. Licensing: ArcGIS Server is licensed at Enterprise level

    # Check out the ArcGIS Spatial Analyst extension license
    # Execute CostDistance
    outCostDistance = CostDistance("origin",SOURCE,"#","D:/RasterStuff/backlinkRaster.tif")
    # Execute CostPath
    outCostPath = CostPath("destination", outCostDistance,"D:/RasterStuff/backlinkRaster.tif")
    # Convert Result to Polyline
    arcpy.RasterToPolyline_conversion(outCostPath, "D:/RasterStuff/costPath.shp")
    featSet = arcpy.FeatureSet()

    # do stuff with error

Best Answer

Have you created an ArcGISSOC user account on the machine with the D:\ drive? If not it will most likely be required to access the data there. Set it to the name "ArcGISSOC" and password the same as the server SOC password. Following that, give that account explicit read access to the directory with the resources ("D:/RasterStuff/" in your case).

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