[GIS] ArcGIS for Server 10.1, Registering a database data store fails with Underlying DBMS error


When I registered a database data store to ArcGIS Server in ArcCatalog, the following error occurs:

The connection property set was missing a required property or the
property value was unrecognized. Underlying DBMS error [Unknown
errorNo extended error.]

I set up the ArcGIS Server and Oracle on two computers as follow

ArcGIS for Server 10.1 64bit
ArcCatalog 32bit
Oracle Instant Client 32bit
Oracle Instant Client 64bit

Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition 64bit

I have successfully made the Oracle 11g "Enabled Enterprise Geodatabase" through the ArcCatalog, and it seems nothing wrong.

I added the publisher database connection with the following variables

Database Platfrom: Oracle
Authentication Type: Database authentication
User name: sde
password: sde
[v] Save user name and password

And I have added the Oracle Instant Client directory to the PATH and environment variable, I am sure that the 64-bit DLL is found before the 32-bit one. But I still get the error message.

I am wondering if there is anything else I have to set up?

Best Answer

Problem solved by copying all the files in \Oracle Instant Client 64bit\ folder directly to <path to ArcGIS Server>\bin\, then restarted the service and successfully registered database.

Since I can start SQL plus by using the command sqlplus sde/sde@orcl in cmd window, I am sure that the environment variable PATH and TNS_ADMIN are both works. But somehow, it doesn't work properly for ArcGIS Server even after reboot or restart service.

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