[GIS] ArcGIS 10.6 opening mxd from 10.2


I previously had 10.5 and opened up an ArcGIS 10.2 versions MXD. This week, I upgraded to 10.6 and tried to open the MXD from that same 10.2. That MXD would not open. All it would do is "not responding". I copied, renamed it and even re-downloaded it from the email it was sent from. Nothing. Corrupted?

I opened up older mxd's of mine when I had 10.1. Another Mapper used different versions 10.5 and 10.2, could not open that one either. But, could open others.

Are there any solutions?

Best Answer

It could be something in that particular MXD is corrupt. You could try two things.

The first is to run the "MXD Doctor" it normally comes with the installation of ArcMap. I am not sure if it comes with 10.6. Normally it is found in (using Window 7): Start -> Programs -> ArcGIS -> Desktop Tool -> MXD Doctor

I have had some success in using this tool to recover corrupted MXDs.

Another alternative method, would be to check the Data Sources of the MXD. It is possible that perhaps a layer in the MXD is creating the error. Open ArcCatalog and navigate to the MXD giving issues, Right Click and select "Set Data Sources". This opens a window with all of the data loaded in the MXD. Try checking each data source to ensure it is reading information from the correct locations.

I have had issues with some of my MXDs where I have used a base map. These MXDs often will not open and I either have to reset my PC or run through the steps above to try and avoid the crash on opening.

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