[GIS] ArcGIS 10.2 Query Layer on SQL Server performance

arcgis-10.2arcgis-desktopenterprise-geodatabaseperformancesql server

I'm using a Query Layer on SQL Server in ArcMap. The Query Layer executes instantly in in SQL Server but but takes so long to draw in ArcMap that the system appears unresponsive for about 10 minutes or longer. During the ArcMap draw the one of the CPU's is maxed out on the SQL Server process.

My Query is the STIntersects of a buffer on a line feature (Shannon) against a polygon feature class (Townlands) , as follows;

JOIN dbo.Shannon on townlands.Shape.STIntersects 

The query returns 186 rows instantly. These can be draw in the SQL Server Management Studio Spatial pane without a problem

When I build a Query Layer in ArcMap with exactly the same syntax the system becomes unresponsive but does draw eventually. It looks as though, perhaps, ArcMap s not using the spatial index or is doing so differenlt from SQL Server causing an inefficient query on SQL Server that takes an age to return.

Can anyone advise on a remedy?


ArcGIS Desktop: 10.2
ArcSDE: 10.2
RDBMS: Database and version: SQL Server 2008
OS: Windows Server 

Best Answer

As you stated, your query seems to execute swiftly on the database level. Even if you were able to make the SQL more efficient, the real performance is on the spatial level.

Spatial SQL statements, like the one you are using, were allowed only recently with the introduction of the geometry type. SQL Server 2008 for ArcSDE supports three geometry data type, SDEBINARY, GEOMETRY and GEOGRAPHY. The differences are listed here

For best performance make sure you are using the Geometry or Geography (not SDEBINARY though since it is obsolete and not recommended) based on the nature of your data whether you are using earth spatial reference or not. Also make sure to rebuild spatial index on the TOWNLANDS featureclass. You can do that from ArcCatalog by right clicking on the featureclass, properties and select the indexes tab.

Hope that helps.