[GIS] ArcGIS 10.2 Combine Two Feature Classes in One File Geodatabase with Attachment (Pictures)


I am working in ArcGIS 10.2, and have point data collected from 2 separate tablets with the same database schema. Both of these files have attachments (pictures) with them. I am trying to combine these two files and can't seem to find a way to keep the attachments when I do combine them. I have tried creating a new file geodatabase and exporting the files as XML's. I have tried loading the data into a new file geodatabase and nothing seems to work. Has anyone run into this, or know a way to combine these two feature classes?

Best Answer

Per this bug page attachments are stored in a separate table using a relate. The relate gets broken with GP tools. The fix given at the bug is:

  1. Run the desired geoprocessing tool, such as the Project (management) tool.
  2. Right-click the output feature class and create/enable Attachments. This creates an empty __ATTACH table and a relationship class relating that table to the output feature class.
  3. Use the Append (management) tool to append the original feature class' __ATTACH table into the output feature class' __ATTACH table. The __ATTACH table is where the attachments are actually stored (in a BLOB field), so appending these records is a key step. Input Dataset = input__ATTACH; Target Dataset = output__ATTACH.

Note on the page is a warning about the altering of OIDs - some editing may be required with the tables to make sure the attachments align with the correct records.

Another related page for re-establishing a broken relate links.

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