[GIS] Arcgis 10.1 server, arcgis manager shows page cannot be displayed


I am facing this issue only in one machine.

I installed ArcGIS 10.1 SP1 in Windows 2008 R2 machine, installation went fine. But the select Arcgis manager, localhost:6080/arcgis/manager, it shows only page cannot be displayed.

I tried these items,

a) uninstall arcgis 10.1 sp1, installed arcgis server 10.1, still the same problem

b) uninstall arcgis server products, cleaned the registry, renamed the c:/program files/arcgis/server,… keycodes … ..commonfile/arcgis… rebooted the server installed arcgis 10.1 sp1, still the same problem

c) i verified with windows support team, they confirmed no ports are blocked

d) when i compared with good arcgis server in other windows 2008R2, there is a javaw.exe in the process, but this is not in this current machine.

Any one have any idea/suggestions/work around to resolve this ?

vadivelan. p

Best Answer

if you have installed the webadaptor. use the url without the :6080.