[GIS] Applying the Bursa-Wolf transformation

coordinate systemwgs84

I want to transform Gauss-Kruger coordinates into WGS84 coordinates by applying the Bursa-Wolf transformation. I know the Bursa-Wolf parameters for the desired transformation. What confuses me is that the Bursa-Wolf formula expects 3D coordinates (X, Y, Z), whereas my input Gauss-Kruger coordinates are only 2D (northing, easting), and my output WGS84 coordinates are also only 2D (latitude, longitude). How do I map my 2D input/output coordinates to the 3D coordinates in the Bursa-Wolf formula?

Best Answer

You can't use the Helmert-transformation (with Bursa-Wolf parameter) with geographic coordinates. First transform the geographic coordinates into geocentric coordinates. see

That's 3D coordinates, so you can easily integrate the altitude value.

But consider the precision using this transformation is 1 to 8 m depending on area and parameters.

But why the altitude value is the difference to NN ?