[GIS] Any example for Google like the Bing OpenLayers examples

google mapsopenlayers-2

I would like to restrict zoom levels in OpenLayers for a Google Map. A Bing example shows how to limit the extent of the Bing tiles:

var road3 = new OpenLayers.Layer.Bing({
    name: "Road tiles with 3 zoom levels",
    type: "Road",
    key: apiKey,
    maxResolution: 76.43702827453613,
    numZoomLevels: 3

But I cannot find a Google example which does this same thing in OpenLayers.

Found OpenLayersAndGoogleMapOverlays but didn't work. I used it to build this Fiddle which also doesn't work.

Best Answer

pacofvf: I cleaned up the solution and it can be accessed here. Most of the code is also pasted below:

var proj900913 = new OpenLayers.Projection( "EPSG:900913" ); //Spherical mercator used for google maps
var vegasAirport = new OpenLayers.Bounds ( -12821203.157925, 4310035.6046593, -12815126.414177, 4314851.1374406 );

var options = {
    maxExtent: vegasAirport.clone(),
    restrictedExtent : vegasAirport.clone (),
    projection : proj900913,
    displayProjection: proj900913,
    units : "m",
    controls: [new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar(), new OpenLayers.Control.Navigation()]

var map = new OpenLayers.Map( 'map', options );
var gmap = new OpenLayers.Layer.Google("gmap",  { MIN_ZOOM_LEVEL: 15, MAX_ZOOM_LEVEL: 18 } );

gmap.maxExtent = vegasAirport.clone();
map.addLayers( [gmap] );
gmap.resolutions = gmap.RESOLUTIONS;

map.zoomToExtent( vegasAirport.clone() );

window.olMap = map;