[GIS] Altering font size using label expression


I have two label classes displaying dynamically over my parcel polygons. The owner info is the major label with larger font size and bellow it I am displaying some property type info in smaller font.

The problem is that the 2 label classes just will not display the way I want them to; Major label at the top, minor label just bellow it. I've used maplex and the regular labeling engine and played with the options but it just does not do what I want and the labels jump all over the parcels.

The only way that works is to export the labels into a feature linked annotation size then adjust the label positions manually. This is OK but i need to change the scale often on this map.

Can I write the label expression so that I can have 2 different fonts and sizes within one label? (Something similar to using text tags with text graphics)

Best Answer

Yes! One can definitely set different font sizes for different fields within a single label. Please see this Link: http://help.arcgis.com/en/arcgisdesktop/10.0/help/index.html#//00s800000027000000.htm

Look at the font attribute. You can set a particular size for the important part of the label and a smaller size for the less important part.