QGIS – Adjusting OpenStreetMap Detail Level for Specific Zooms


I need an overview of a specific large area on QGIS Desktop 2.16.0.
The details disappears with this level of zoom.

Is it possible to control the display level ?

If I zoom too much, I can't see all the concerned area.
enter image description here

If I unzoom, I lose detailsenter image description here.

From the answer I was able to show details:

enter image description here

However is it possible to get this bigger and clearer like this ?

enter image description here

Best Answer

As far as I understand from the discussion on the comments, what you want to do is to generate an image of a large area, which is so big that does not fit on your screen and, hence, you have to zoom out, resulting in a loss of detail.

In order to export large areas, you may want to use QGIS' built-in Print Composer, this way you can control map's scale (which, as @Andrej stated, you can figure out which scale level has the detail you want to).

After that, you can export the image into a Raster or vector format, and most importantly, you won't be limited by your screen's size or resolution, as you can choose the image's resolution and dpi.

The summarised process would be as follows:

  1. Open Print composer from Project\New Print Composer (CTRL+P) Give your composition a name (it can be anything)
  2. Select a page size from the right panel (Composition tab). That will be your canvas.
  3. Insert a map into the canvas with the following icon ![enter image description here]2
  4. Select the map and change its scale properties in the right panel (Item properties tab)
  5. Click on export to image icon (enter image description here) or export to svg icon (enter image description here).
  6. Select image's properties, give it a name and store it into a known location.