[GIS] Adding labels in Google Earth Pro


I am preparing the map of Nepal with 75 districts using the KMZ file downloaded from global admin. I opened the KMZ file (NPL_admin3.kmz) in google earth pro. I produced the map, and also worked successfully with coloring the districts. But I could not put the name of the 75 districts in the map. In other GIS tools such as DIVA or Quantum, when we 'add label' under the 'layer' menu bar, we get the name associated to the boundary. But in google earth pro, I have been facing difficulty. Can anyone please help me?

Best Answer

Try this. Rename your kmz to zip. Open the zip and rename the kml to txt (or just use open with).

With your kml open in notepad or some other text editor look for the part of the html that says "LabelStyle" and change the "scale" number (Mine said 0 and I changed it to 0.666667) delete the entry for anything else (mine had color set to a string of 0's). Save the edited text file and rename back to kml. Save the modified zip file and rename to kmz. This worked for me... some variation will likely work for you, but dynamic labels are what they are. I just let it label with the field it had already defaulted to... which in my case was a useful field... but you might need to modify something else in the html in your case.

Here is the unlabeled points Unlabelled points

Made a copy of the kmz and renamed to zip Renamed and open in Winzip

Renamed the kml in the zip to txt Renamed kml to txt

Opened the text file and did a find for "LabelStyle" Find string in text file

Deleted the "color" text and changed the "scale" value to 0.666667 Edited text file

Saving and naming things back the way they were Rename text to kml and save edits to Zip

rename your zip to kmz and open in GE

Labelled in GE