[GIS] Adding graphics from different spatialReference using ArcGIS API for JavaScript


I want to know if I'm approaching this incorrectly. We are attempting to create an esri-based map where we add graphics to a map thru the javascript API. The points that we're adding are lat/lng coords(wkid:4326). Part of our requirements are to be able to show these items regardless of the spatialreference of the map. So we tried to use the geometry service that esri provides to project the 4326 coords to the map spatialreference.

That all works fine, unless we have a lot of points to project. If the geometry service is fed too many points at a time it returns Error:"timeout exceeded". We've split out the amount we give the service and called it iteratively, but it also errors out if we call it too many times too quickly. So we've tried to spread the interval between calls to limit that. The more I do this, the more I feel like I'm digging myself into a deep hole.

  1. Should we be approaching this problem in another way? If so, any suggestions?
  2. Should we homebrew our own geometry projection service to bypass the limitations we notice with the esri implementation?
    1. If so, any resources that would help with the required algorithms?

Best Answer

You can do the reprojection on the client side (in javascript) rather than relying on a Geometry server.

The PROJ4JS library will let you do that. If you know ahead of time which projections your maps will be in, so much the better- you can prune down PROJ4JS to only include what you need. Otherwise, you can just use the whole thing.