[GIS] Adding features from ArcGIS Online to QGIS


How can I add features which provided by ArcGIS Online to QGIS map?

I'd like to add feature like "USA Mean Temperature" with QGIS (2.18.3).
These useful features are easy to access when I use ArcGIS Online,
by doing "Add" -> "Search for Layers" -> Select "ArcGIS Online".

I guess "Layer" -> "Add Layer" -> "Add ArcGIS FeatureServer Layer" would be answer, but I'm not sure what URL I should use.

Could you tell me how I should do?

Best Answer

You could find the URL here - USA Mean Temperature services page provided by Esri.

They do provide a URL - https://landscape3.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/USA_Mean_Temperature/ImageServer

However, that URL leads you to a ArcGIS Server REST API Login requesting a token to access. In addition there is a disclaimer:

To login to Services Directory when your site is federated to a portal, you must enter a token.To acquire this token, go to https://www.arcgis.com and enter 'https://landscape3.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest' for the 'Webapp URL' parameter

On a separate note, this post Adding ArcGIS Online Services to QGIS which shows the steps when accessing the ArcGIS REST services from a State agency in the US.