[GIS] Adding Esri imagery to QGIS using “services.argisonline.com”


I'm trying to add this particular imagery in QGIS:


But when i write the phyton srcipt i get the message that the URL is incorrect.

I'm getting this typical message:
"Cannot open GDAL dataset http://server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/serââvices/World_Imagery/MapServer?f=json&pretty=true:
Failed to create temporary file:/tmp/file.dat"

Anyone know what is the correct URL for High Resolution 30cm Imagery?

Best Answer

I use the QuickMapServices or the TileLayerPlugin plugins (see OpenStreetMap heavily pixellated when loaded in QGIS and standalone application). They automatically set the scale to the fixed resolutions of the zoom levels.

For the TileLayerPlugin, the URI is

#title  credit  serviceUrl  yOriginTop  zmin    zmax    xmin    ymin    xmax    ymax
ArcgisWorldImagery  esri    http://server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/World_Imagery/MapServer/tile/{z}/{y}/{x}.png    1   0   16  -180    -85.0   180.0   85.0

For the QuickMapServices, the URI is is referenced in the Quickmapservices contribution site (ArcGIS online imagery)

enter image description here

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