[GIS] Adding custom made north arrow to ArcGIS Pro Project


I need to be able to add a custom north arrow to achieve a standardized look for maps I make for my company. I've been reading through the ArcGIS Pro documentation and have come to a loss on what I'm missing. The documentation clearly states as follows.

enter image description here

I am attempting to add the north arrow to the "Favorites" style. However, nowhere do I see the option for "New Item". All I can find is the add, create, or import options.

Best Answer

The documentation here appears to be wrong - I get the same result as you. (perhaps the documentation has been completed for a yet to be released version of ArcGIS Pro)

If you click New Style here, it will allow you to create a custom style (as opposed to the included system styles).

Once the new style is created, I found I had to open one of the existing styles such as ArcGIS 2D (right-click > Manage) select a style item and Right-Click > Copy. Then in my new custom style I Right-Click Paste. Once this was done I could right-click within my new style and create New style items.

That all said, I couldn't find any North Arrows in either the existing styles nor an option to create one.

I just found the "New Item" (although there's no North Arrow option in it that I can see). On the Home tab:

enter image description here