qgis – Adding CSV Layer in PyQGIS for Point Creation


I am trying to load a series of CSV files as vectors in PyQGIS. I run this code to try to get the first one:

uri = 'file://D:/Saved Stuff/gulags/1.40.csv?delimiter=;&yField=y&xField=x'
layer = QgsVectorLayer(uri, '1.40', 'delimitedtext')

Obviously it won't load when I run QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(layer). When I add the CSV manually to a map it loads fine. Here is what that looks like


AMURSKII ZhELEZNODOROZhNYI ITL;51.375889;128.134147;84053

BELOMORO-BALTIISKII ITL;62.912774;34.456850;78918

BIRSKII ITL;48.999752;132.461997;11634

Can anyone help me with this?

Best Answer

The problem was with your URI. (note the third slash)

Use the following as a working example:

uri = 'file:///D:/Saved Stuff/gulags/1.40.csv?delimiter=;&yField=y&xField=x'
layer = QgsVectorLayer(uri, '1.40', 'delimitedtext')