[GIS] Adding Basemap to ArcScene


I want to add a basemap under my 3D bar chart of density. I tried a lot by couldn't add the basemap in ArcScene. I want a map like the one below.

enter image description here

Best Answer

You can't add basemaps into ArcScene

from Adding an ArcGIS Online basemap into ArcGlobe

Note that none of the online basemaps will work in ArcScene.

You could work around this by clipping or exporting a basemap as an image and adding the image to your ArcScene.

I would, however, recommend you look into using ArcGIS Pro rather than ArcScene. ArcGIS Pro will allow you to make use of basemaps, and can be used as a local scene (similar to ArcScene) or as a global scene (similar to ArcGlobe), as well as a 2D map view. In fact you can do all three at the same time within the same ArcGIS Pro document.

The screenshot below shows a local scene in ArcGIS Pro, and the option to add/change basemaps.

enter image description here