[GIS] Adding attribute field to raster layer in ArcGIS Desktop


I am from Vietnam and I am still a student. I have to study more about ArcGIS.

How do I add an attribute field in this case?

My project is using Landsat 8 picture to establish a drought map. After calculating LST and VHI I reclassify it and my teacher tells me to add an attribute field to it. I don't know how to do it, I watch people do it in YouTube but when they open the attribute table it is very different.

How can I add an attribute field to my project?

I have to calculate the area of each region too.

How do I do that?

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Best Answer

You are working with a raster dataset, not a vector dataset. (https://gisgeography.com/spatial-data-types-vector-raster/)

This means that the attribute table is different -- it simply lists the number of cells which have each value. You can convert the dataset using Raster to Polygon (Conversion).



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