[GIS] Adding and Editing Excel table to the data frame


  1. I have few excel tables of almost 5-6 columns and i need to paste them at different locations in the same map.
  2. The values in the excel table gets revised every quarter and i need to edit the table.

Please don't confuse it with the attribute table. I have attached the way it look in the arcmap and the excel table. Help me in figuring out a solution for the same.

Suggest me way by which i dont have to copy/paste the table each time.
Is there a way to edit the tableenter image description here

enter image description here

Best Answer

You can copy/paste the cells from Excel to the layout in ArcMap but they will be saved as an image, you won't be able to edit them. Two other options:

  1. (my prefered one) Add the Excel file via the main menu > Insert > Object. Choose the "Create from file" option and browse to your Excel file. This will add the first sheet if there are several sheets in the file. The table is then 'saved' in the mxd, changes to the original table won't be reflected. But you can open and edit the table in Excel by double-clicking it in ArcMap.
  2. Add the Excel sheet to the Table of Contents. Open the table and click 'Add table to layout' from the Table Options menu (top left button in the table window). Using this method the link with the original table is preserved, but the table appears as ArcMap understands it (e.g. a header is required on top of each column, if there's none like in your exemple it adds F1 or F2).
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