QGIS – Adding a GIS Feature to Existing Database Entry with QGIS


I've built a database with postgreSQL with tables, which include geometry columns.
When I add some data to my non-geometry columns, I can see them in QGIS when I connect to my database using postgis. Now, I want to add polygons to the existing entries with the editing tool in QGIS. That means, filling up the geometry columns in QGIS.

How can I do this? I've only heard about adding whole shapefiles to the database but not to add single features to a single column.

An example… I have the following table (municipality):

id smallint NOT NULL,
name varchar(50) NOT NULL,
mun_geom geometry(Polygon, 31468)

I can fill the columns id and name in postgresql when I'm connected to my database (like (1,'municipality1')). After adding municipality as a postgis layer I want to complement the entry with adding a polygon feature.

Best Answer

Figured this out! (also asked here)

A record in a spatial table (Shapefile, PostGIS, Spatialite) that has no geometry can have geometry added by adding a 'part' to the feature using the advanced digitizing toolbar. Here's the workflow:

  1. Bring table containing the geometry-missing feature into QGIS
  2. Select the layer from the layers panel and start an edit session on that layer
  3. Right-click the toolbar area of QGIS (where there is no button) and open the advanced digitizing toolbar
  4. Open the attribute table of the layer and select the feature that is missing geometry
  5. On the advanced digitizing toolbar, click the add part tool
  6. You can now add the geometry of the feature (point, line, or polygon) as you would add any new feature to a table
  7. Save your edits, and stop editing. The feature now has geometry!
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