[GIS] Add Surface Information alternatives in QGIS


Is anyone aware of a single tool or possible routine of tools in QGIS (2.6) which emulate the results of the ESRI 3D Analyst tool 'Add Surface Information'? I have several polygon shapefiles (some with 1000+ features) I am trying to tag with information from a LiDAR-derived raster.

As a bare minimum, I am wanting to extract MIN and MAX elevations, but would also like to grab MEAN elevations and SLOPE information from the raster.

TO UPDATE: I've recently stumbled across the Zonal Statistics plugin which produces MEAN values for raster data within a set polygon(s). Am still searching for a plugin to generate SLOPE data.

Best Answer

There is an alternative in QGIS, you must use SAGA´s tool "Add raster values to points"

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