QGIS – How to Add Images and Text in QGIS 3.0.2 on Windows


Today is my second day of using a GIS software. I have imported latitude, longitudes from csv into QGIS. I want that whenever users click on any location, they can see a pop with info: Country and State only, not all the fields that I see now.

enter image description here

Also, I want to add a field that will contain a hyperlink. In addition, I want to that users see the locations' image post clicking (or hover over). For this I am following this tutorial, but not helpful. Working file is here.

Best Answer

Use Field Widgets to control what the user sees in the Attributes Form

Right click on layer name in Layer Panel > Properties > Attributes Form

For any fields you want to hide from the user, change the Widget Type to Hidden.

enter image description here

enter image description here

For a hyperlink, just add a text field and type the link into it.

For an image, use an Attachment Field Widget

Type the file path where it says Default Path, or put a unique file path in the field for each feature, and choose that field under data-defined settings.

enter image description here

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