[GIS] add Google Maps as WMS layer to GeoMedia


My primary target is to make a WMS layer for Google Maps and load it to GeoMedia professional.

I read a lot for the past few months and I can't do it only with reading, so I decided to install GeoServer and give it a try. It didn't work so far.

I'm loading a shapefile which I generated from GeoMedia, but I can't figure how to add a map (Google Maps) to my WMS.

It will be nice if someone can help me with some information or example how to do it (if it is possible). I'm 90% sure that it is possible, but I don't know how to do it.

First I created a shapefile from GeoMedia. After that I loaded the same shapefile to GeoServer, I added some styles and I created my WMS. After that I loaded the WMS to GeoMedia.

The problem is that I want to have a Google Maps or Bing maps as a background for my WMS.

I created an HTML file of Google Maps and added my WMS on it, I put it in my geoserver/www dir and started it from my browser as "localhost:8080/geoserver/www/myfilename.html" and its working fine.

enter image description here

The problem is when I tried to add the same file to GeoMedia – there is an error. I clicked on more to see the problem and I get this:

Version negotiation failed. The WMS does not support the versions
supported by the data server (1.3.0/1.1.1/1.1.0/1.0.0).

I made a screenshot of the error message:

enter image description here.

Can someone tell me why I receive this error?

Best Answer

I think that by localhost:8080/geoserver/www/myfilename.html you just open html file on the server, it is not valid wms address. For example http://localhost:8080/geoserver/wms?service=wms&version=1.1.1&request=GetCapabilities is a valid wms address and GetCapabilities request returns xml file. As far as I know google maps does not proide wms service and google maps api license agreement does not allow you to use its data outside of its api.