[GIS] Add File/personal Geodatabse to Geoserver


Is it possible to add file or personal geodatabase to Geoserver?
If not, how we can get rid of shapefile limitations in Geoserver (without using a database like PostGIS)?

Best Answer

It might be possible using the OGR Datastore though I'm not sure if that is supported (or even tested) with GeoServer. Though you will need to make sure that you have the requisite dlls installed and OGR compiled to make use of them and with Java support built in. I suspect this will be a custom compile but as I don't use windows or ESRI formats I can't say I've checked.

For a good standard format you would be well advised to consider GeoPackages. GeoServer has a community module that can read them as datastores and write them as WMS and WFS outputs. QGIS can handle them natively too.

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