[GIS] Add EPSG:3857 geometries to map using Leaflet

coordinate systemleaflet

Right now Leaflet can only add geometries with latitude and longitude values onto the map.

If we have a EPSG:3857 point, whose x=-11819829 and y=4200860, how can I add it onto the map?

If this point needs to be unprojected as geographical coordinates, how to implement it?

Best Answer

Are you sure you have the right projection in mind? According to SpatialReference.org, you're talking about Web Mercator which, as its name implies, has (decimal) degrees as linear units. EPSG 3857 is, in fact, the default projection used by Leaflet and most web mapping frameworks. As the underlying SRS is WGS84, you should be able to treat your EPSG 3857 coordinates as unprojected geographical coordinates (GCS WGS84).