[GIS] Access Shapefiles from PostgreSQL/Postgis in R


I successfully setup a connection to my PostgreSQL/PostGIS database on Ubuntu Server from my Laptop (Ubuntu 12.04).

Therefore I installed RODBC in R to setup a connection and I made a correct entry in the /etc/odbc.ini file to setup the DSN as described for example here. Now I'm able to connect to my database with


After connecting, I'm am able query all the tables inside the database with SQL queries and even use the spatial functionalities of PostGIS inside the db.

Now I would like to work with the spatial data inside R so I downloaded the RGDAL package. The driver for PostGIS should be automatically included in Unixbased systems so I execute


to check this. It gives me back that PostgreSQL = TRUE so I assume this includes the PostGIS driver?! Otherwise it isn't listed.

Now, in theory I should be able to read-in a layer like this:


but unfortunately I gives back:

Error in ogrInfo(dsn = dsn, layer = layer, encoding = encoding, use_iconv = use_iconv) : Cannot open file

So did I miss anything? What can I do to make it work?

Best Answer

You don't need odbc in this case.
The dsn argument of readOGR and ogrInfo is a text string, just like you would use with OGR in any other case. So, in your case, something like "PG:dbname=database".

RGDAL uses the OGR libraries, which uses the Postgres libraries directly to communicate with the database.

See the OGR PostgreSQL Format Docs for more info.

PS. The drivers listed with = TRUE in the driver listing are those that have write access. The others are assumed to have read-only access.