[GIS] a good projection for the whole of China (with units in meters)

coordinate system

I get some GPS results which lay in China with WGS84 coordinate system, and I need to choose a projection to reproject for.

First I chooses the UTM projection, but I find the results lay in different UTM zone, and I find it difficult to choose a right zone.

Are there any projection that take meter for unit and match for the results?

Best Answer

It has been a while since you posted this but I was just answering some projection info on the site and this question jumped out to me. It is probably too late but maybe others will see the post and the only answer had only 1 negative vote.

Use http://spatialreference.org/ref/sr-org/7564/ (it is km so m is fine).

The multiple UTM zone answer is cumbersome (but will work if needed) as China has so many zones. This one projection will work across all of China and is Albers based.

It is good for area calculations.

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