[GIS] 3D Interpolation using point cloud in GRASS GIS


I've imported a set of 3D points (z,y,z) into GRASS GIS. I'm having trouble: a) visualising my dataset in 3D using nviz or the standard data viewer (I can only get a 2D plan view of my data) and, b) interpolating them into a solid 3D voxel object. My dataset is pretty straightforward and there's only 1520 points.

The GRASS user interface is not that user friendly and I can't find a suitable tutorial to follow. Any ideas or pointers would be very much appreciated. I'm sure I should be using the v.vol.rst tool, but when I input my parameters, I get the following error message:
ERROR: Column type of wcolumn is not supported (must be integer or double).

Any ideas?

Best Answer

Do you want to achieve something like this (my office is in the center)?

enter image description here

As Mihai sais, it is not a 3D interpolation. Consider to check http://grasswiki.osgeo.org/wiki/LIDAR and http://grasswiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Interpolation . It is a surface interpolation. r.in.xyz will do most of it, followed by v.surf.rst or v.surf.bspline, see Wiki tutorials.

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