QGIS High Resolution MBTiles – Generating High Resolution MBTiles in QGIS


Is it option to generate MBTiles file in high resolution (512×512 / 192DPI) in QGIS?

Generate XYZ tiles (Directory) tool allows to create high resolution tiles, but in Generate XYZ tiles (MBTiles) tool there are no tile width and height parameters so I cannot create 512×512 tiles.

If no, is it any other way to generate it from XYZ Directory tiles?

Best Answer

Finally I found a solution:

  1. I used Generate XYZ tiles (Directory) to generate 512x512, 192DPI tiles

  2. I added metadata.json file to generated directory

  3. I used mbutil library to generate .mbtiles file

    python mb-util PATH_TO_DIRECTORY FILENAME.mbtiles --image_format=FORMAT

and I get a high-resolution MBTiles file.