GEE NDVI function that removes negative values


Within my NDVI function, I want to either reclassify negative values (-1 to 0) as 0, or change them into 'no data'. Specifically, I want to the do this calculation/reclassification in the code provided in response to this question: Google Earth Engine – Get Image with highest max Scene NDVI from a time period.

I suspect I need to alter the NDVI function, but so far any changes have given me error messages or inhibit the previous functions.

function toNdvi(image) {
  return image
    .normalizedDifference(['B8', 'B4'])

Code in question found here:

Best Answer

You can mask the unwanted values directly in the same function using updateMask.

function toNdvi(image) {
  var newImg = image
    .normalizedDifference(['B8', 'B4'])
    return newImg.updateMask('ndvi').gte(0)


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