gdal – Fixing GDAL Installation Error: No Datasource Specified on Windows 10


I am following the below tutorial to install GDAL:
after failing to install through the OSGEO4W setup, I have updated my environments and when typing in gdalinfo in the command prompt I get the following:

Usage: gdalinfo [--help-general] [-json] [-mm] [-stats] [-hist] [-nogcp] [-nomd]
                [-norat] [-noct] [-nofl] [-checksum] [-proj4]
                [-listmdd] [-mdd domain|`all`] [-wkt_format WKT1|WKT2|...]*
                [-sd subdataset] [-oo NAME=VALUE]* datasetname

FAILURE: No datasource specified.

When I type in gdaltranslator I get the following:

'gdaltranslator' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

Best Answer

The installation is ok.
gdalinfo tool needs a datasetname parameter at least, e.g gdalinfo some_raster.tif to get the information from some_raster.tif.
gdaltranslator is not the name of any tool provided by GDAL.

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