ArcGIS Pro – ‘Finish Sharing’ Buttons Greyed Out When Sharing as Web Layer


I have a federated ArcGIS Portal 10.9.1 and I use ArcGIS Pro 2.9.2 for publishing. I'm trying to publish a layer as a Tile service (Copy all data) to Portal using the 'Share As Web Layer' tool in Pro, but the 'Finish Sharing' buttons are greyed out. I've populated everything necessary, and tried checking and unchecking various boxes as well as different tiling schemes to no avail. The same issue occurs for any layer as well.

enter image description here

My Question

Why are these buttons greyed out and how can I get them to work? I can publish web services fine when any of the 'Reference registered data' options are checked.

Best Answer

Check with your GIS Administrator. There may not be a hosting server configured with your ArcGIS Enterprise environment.