Extracting ArcGIS REST Server from Webmap URL


I would like to view certain Webmap information in my desktop GIS software, and I'm looking for a way to extract a REST server (or, in future situations, WMS/WFS/WCS URLs) from a webmap website.

I reviewed these two posts:

It's clear that you need to inspect the website/use developer tools to find the feature service URL from the Network Tab… and this is where I run into problems. For example, I'm trying to get the REST URL for this website https://tpwd.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=f5e8debeaa994abe888d86a7112649ff. But when I analyze the network tab, I can't find the REST server URL.

How do I find this URL using inspect element?

See picture below:

picture GCWA

Best Answer

The first thing to do is get the application's configuration. Do this by searching the Network tab in the browser's Developer Tools.

If you filter on f5e for instance (which is part of the ID in your URL), you will find a request to the Web Mapping Application: https://tpwd.maps.arcgis.com/sharing/rest/content/items/f5e8debeaa994abe888d86a7112649ff/data?f=json

The response is a JSON file which has a map attribute that in turn has an ItemID of ef0d5fe1a5f841ffb432445b1913cb55:

Web Mapping Application JSON

Now, search the Network tab for that ID. You will find two items, you need this one: https://tpwd.maps.arcgis.com/sharing/rest/content/items/ef0d5fe1a5f841ffb432445b1913cb55/data?f=json

This is also a JSON file, of the Web Map this time, containing all used layers and basemaps.

Web Map JSON

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