GEE – How to Extract Daily Values for 3 ERA5 Climate Parameters in GEE


I'm new to GEE, and I've been trying to extract daily values from 3 climate parameters (minimum_2m_air_temperature, maximum_2m_air_temperature, and total_precipitation) from the ERA5 Daily Aggregates dataset. I tried using the code provided in this question with the minimum temperature, but the temperature value was null. Is there any way to fix this?

Please see the code I used:


var min_temp = ee.ImageCollection('ECMWF/ERA5/DAILY')
                   .filter('2016-12-01', '2018-03-02'));

var min_temp_list = min_temp.toList(min_temp.size());


var study_area ={
  var date = ee.Date(ee.Image(img).get('system:time_start')).format().slice(0, 10);
  img = ee.Image(img).subtract(273.15);
  // Getting the image value
  var value_temp = ee.Image(img)
  return [date, value_temp];

var vis2mt = {
  min: -20,
  max: -10,
  palette: [
    '#000080', '#0000D9', '#4000FF', '#8000FF', '#0080FF', '#00FFFF', '#00FF80',
    '#80FF00', '#DAFF00', '#FFFF00', '#FFF500', '#FFDA00', '#FFB000', '#FFA400',
    '#FF4F00', '#FF2500', '#FF0A00', '#FF00FF'

var image = ee.Image(min_temp_list.get(0))

Map.addLayer(image, vis2mt);


var myFeatures = ee.FeatureCollection({
  el = ee.List(el); // cast every element of the list

  return ee.Feature(null, {
    'date': el.get(0),
    'value_temp': el.get(1),


Best Answer

You don't provide ILPLS_shape so, I arbitrarily created one. The issue is produced because you forgot to write 'reduceRegion' method in your code; as it can be observed as follows:

  // Getting the image value
  var value_temp = ee.Image(img)

It is mandatory to have:

  var value_temp = ee.Image(img)
    .reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.mean(), ILPLS_shape)

Fixing this, complete code is:


var min_temp = ee.ImageCollection('ECMWF/ERA5/DAILY')
                   .filter('2016-12-01', '2018-03-02'));

var min_temp_list = min_temp.toList(min_temp.size());


var study_area ={
  var date = ee.Date(ee.Image(img).get('system:time_start')).format().slice(0, 10);
  img = ee.Image(img).subtract(273.15);
  var value_temp = ee.Image(img)
    .reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.mean(), ILPLS_shape)
  return [date, value_temp];

var vis2mt = {
  min: -20,
  max: -10,
  palette: [
    '#000080', '#0000D9', '#4000FF', '#8000FF', '#0080FF', '#00FFFF', '#00FF80',
    '#80FF00', '#DAFF00', '#FFFF00', '#FFF500', '#FFDA00', '#FFB000', '#FFA400',
    '#FF4F00', '#FF2500', '#FF0A00', '#FF00FF'

var image = ee.Image(min_temp_list.get(0))

Map.addLayer(image, vis2mt);


var myFeatures = ee.FeatureCollection({
  el = ee.List(el); // cast every element of the list

  return ee.Feature(null, {
    'date': el.get(0),
    'value_temp': el.get(1),


and after run it, you can observe at following picture that features have the second property named 'value_temp' without any null value.

enter image description here

Editing Note:

You're right. Your area only covers a pixel. So, the geometry needs to take its centroid. Following code, for your area in "Cagayan de Oro" (circled in blue in below picture), fix it.

After running it at GEE code editor, at the following picture it can be observed the corresponding temperature values.

enter image description here

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