Google Earth Engine – How to Export Large Number of Images


In my analysis on Google Earth Engine, I want to export a large number of image files to drive. In general, for this, we can use a for loop to loop through the images and export them with Export.image.toDrive method.

  Export.table.toDrive(image_ndvi, 'ndvi', 'LST Paper/Indiecs');

But this method put those images in the Task Manager (Tasks tab) and we have to manually click run two times for each image. I have around 145 single-band remote sensing indices and surface temperature images of the same area, so this process is not very efficient for me.

I have done all the analysis in GEE and want to export the output images so that I can create maps for my report.

How do I export these many images at once?

Best Answer

There is one batch tool, but it did not work very well for me. Or consider stacking all the images into one following the instructions at Layer stacking images in Earth Engine? using a loop, and exporting just that one image.

var imgList = aImgCollection.toList(aImgCollection.size());

var id = 0;

var firstImage = ee.Image( imgList.get(id) );

// these two lines use the image ID to rename each band to make sure they are different
var filename = ee.String("rename_").cat(;
firstImage = firstImage.rename(filename);
id = id + 1;

while (id < aImgCollection.size().getInfo()){
  var aImage = ee.Image( imgList.get(id) );

  // these two lines use the image ID to rename each band to make sure they are different
  filename = ee.String("rename_").cat(;
  aImage = aImage.rename(filename);

  firstImage = firstImage.addBands(aImage); 
  id = id + 1;