Error loading tab created from OSM


I downloaded open street map data via Quick OSM in QGIS 3.16. Exporting the data to shapefiles works, but I need them as mapinfo (tab). When I export as tab, the file is saved (Successfully saved vector layer to…), but cannot be loaded:
"CRITICAL Invalid Data Source : …/GIS/|layername=shops1 is not a valid or recognized data source." The same happens when I export the shp as tab from GRASS GIS and try to import.
Happens both on Windows and Mac. Any hints what can cause this?

Best Answer

The file you shared has 200 field, and there must be some export issue from QGIS.


Export from QGIS to Mapinfo's TAB only selecting some fields. I tried with the following ones using the shp you provided:

enter image description here

The generated .tab file imports flawlessly:

enter image description here

My guess is that some field names have non-ascii characters: if you need more/all fields, you might need to hunt down which ones cause the problem, and rename it before exporting.