QGIS Classification – Creating a Dynamic Category Thematic Map

classificationqgisthematic mapvisualisation

I am working in QGIS 3.8.3-Zanzibar on a shapefile with polygons.

I am zoning by selecting the polygons and giving each group a different number (a zone code).

In order to visualize it, I have a Category Thematic map with the zone number, so I can easily see the different groups I am creating.

zoning progress

But, as I keep on making groups (that is, giving other zone codes to the polygons), it is hard to visualize the result unless I manually update the thematic map.

I would like the map to dynamically change its colours as I change the zone numbers. Until now, I have to re-classify the categories of the thematic map, as it only classifies with the existing numbers (zone codes) but the new ones I give out, the all go to the group of "all other…"

categories and "all other..."

Here I am going to show my work routine with sample data, as suggested:

  1. Initial shapefile with polygons. Visualization is simple symbol.


  1. Visualization with a Category thematic map depending on the zone number (last column of my table).


  1. I select some polygons and change their zone number.


  1. The visualization has change according to the new zone number of the polygons.


  1. I then change other polygons zone number.


  1. The visualization changes again, but with the same colour, because any other zone numbers are classified as “all other”.


  1. I would like to have this visualization without having to manually update the categories of the thematic map.


I don't know how to upload shapefiles, in order to provide the sample data, but here it is a screenshot of my table (it really only matters the last column).


Best Answer

A workaround would be like this:

  • In Style Panel, type $id for "Value".
  • Click on "Classify" button. This generates separate symbols for each id.
  • Change $id to ZoneID.
  • Now, there is a color for each zone id. I assume that the range of ZoneIDs is the same of the feature ids. You may need to refresh map canvas (F5) to see the result.

enter image description here

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