OpenLayers – Deleting Selected Feature on Alt+Click


Im trying to delete a feature on alt+click. The alt+click code works since i can print out the feature when i click on it. But, i thought i could simply remove it by using source.removeFeature(feature) but I cannot get it to work.

const selectAltClick = new Select({
  condition: function (mapBrowserEvent) {
    return click(mapBrowserEvent) && altKeyOnly(mapBrowserEvent);

let select=selectAltClick;

select.on('select', (e)=>{

My error:

Vector.js:1041 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 
at VectorSource2.removeFeatureInternal (Vector.js:1041:41)
at VectorSource2.removeFeature (Vector.js:1030:10)
at Select2.<anonymous> (main.js:256:16)
at Select2.Target2.dispatchEvent (Target.js:111:13)
at Select2.handleEvent (Select.js:537:12)
at Map2.PluggableMap2.handleMapBrowserEvent (PluggableMap.js:1073:34)
at MapBrowserEventHandler2.Target2.dispatchEvent (Target.js:111:13)
at MapBrowserEventHandler2.emulateClick_ (MapBrowserEventHandler.js:134:10)
at MapBrowserEventHandler2.handlePointerUp_ (MapBrowserEventHandler.js:210:12)

I´ve tried this as well

I found that my problem was that i had to remove my interactions for snapping and modifying before I can altclick on the feature to delete it. It now works.

Best Answer

If you look at the docs for select interaction select event, you'll see that e.selected is an array of all selected features, so in your case you need to refer to the first element of the array to remove selected feature:


Here is working JSFiddle: