QGIS Contour – How to Create TIFF from Contour Lines


I need to quickly create a TIFF terrain (shades of grey terrain) from contour lines, or rather to create a GeoTIFF. In the past, I extracted vertexes from the contour lines and used that to create new contour polygons and used that to create TIFF. But this takes a lot of time and a lot of steps.

Is there a way to do this quickly?

Best Answer

Use v.surf.rst

An immediate solution which comes to mind is using v.surf.rst, which is a GRASS module accessible via the Processing'->Toolbox`

It takes the vector contour layer as input (you will neet to choose the file, as it does not look into currently loaded layers), and produces an interpolated raster, with the desired pixel size.


enter image description here

TIN Interpolation

Another viable option is TIN Interpolation, also accessible via the Processing'->Toolbox`.

In this case, Iw ould suggest the "linear" option:

enter image description here

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