Python GeoServer – Creating Python WPS in GeoServer


I try to create a custom Python WPS in my GeoServer instance.

I follow this guidance :
but GeoServer doesn't see my new WPS.

Steps :

  • fresh intance of GeoServer 2.18.3 with tomcat
  • create scripts/wpsdirectory in my GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR
  • create file GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR/scripts/wps/
  • Copy/Paste the example code in the previous link
  • Restart GeoServer
  • Run a GetCap' on WPS service
  • Cannot find my buffer service.

Have I forgotten a step for doing this like adding a extension ?

I try do to the same with a java wps script ( and this work.

But if I can, I prefer to make my WPS in Python code.

Best Answer

The script extension has been retired from GeoServer, as it did not have a maintainer any longer.


We just need a new maintainer to show up and dust off the old code, then it can be added back to GeoServer.

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