Python – Creating Map of New Zealand with Coordinates in Folium

coordinatesfoliumlatitude longitudenew-zealandpython

I want to create a map of New Zealand in Folium Python. I want to show the map of New Zealand. Later on I will add the markers on the map. I started coding as follow:

nz_map = folium.Map(location=(lat,long), zoom_start=12)

I don't know exactly the coordinates of NZ. I googled the NZ coordinates and entered 40.9006 (S), 174.8860 (E). When I ran the code it shows a blank image as shown below:

enter image description here

I'm not sure where I made the mistake. Could anyone help me in fixing the issue?

Best Answer

As stated by gene, it seems like you had longitude as a negative coordinate, this correctly shows NZ.

lat = -40.9006
long =  174.8860
nz_map = folium.Map(location=[lat,long], zoom_start=6)
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