QGIS Attribute Table – Create Integer and String Fields


I am trying to create a new attribute field "FromNode" in a layer that contains string with an integer.

EXAMPLE: name1, name2, name3, name4, ... till the end of the table.

I got the solution by doing manually in QGIS Field Calculator.

concat('name', "id")

The manual procedure is tedious due to multiple layers.

Is there a way to automatically do this using PyQGIS or even SQL query in Virtual layer approach?

Attempt in PyQGIS

Problem: It only creates empty 'String' field. I want to update the field with string "Name" + increment of "integer 1" in each row. For instance, name1, name2, name3, ...

layer = iface.activeLayer()

myField = QgsField('FromNode', QVariant.String,'character', 200)

Best Answer

You can use the code below:

lyr = iface.activeLayer()
lyr.dataProvider().addAttributes([QgsField('FromNode', QVariant.String, '', 20)])
fld_idx = lyr.fields().lookupField('FromNode')
for count, f in enumerate(lyr.getFeatures()):
    lyr.dataProvider().changeAttributeValues({f.id(): {fld_idx: f'name{count+1}'}})

Edit in response to further request in comment (start count at 6000):

lyr = iface.activeLayer()
lyr.dataProvider().addAttributes([QgsField('FromNode', QVariant.String, '', 20)])
fld_idx = lyr.fields().lookupField('FromNode')
count = 6000
for f in lyr.getFeatures():
    lyr.dataProvider().changeAttributeValues({f.id(): {fld_idx: f'name{count}'}})
    count += 1

Edit 2 in response to further subsequent request. After running the code above to add and populate the 'FromNode' field, run the code below:

lyr = iface.activeLayer()

fld_list = [QgsField('baseVoltag', QVariant.String, '', 20),
            QgsField('headTermin', QVariant.String, '', 20),
            QgsField('class', QVariant.String, '', 20)]
fld_values = ['415V', NULL, 'EnergyConsumer']
att_map = {}
for i, fld in enumerate(fld_list):
    att_map[lyr.fields().lookupField(fld.name())] = fld_values[i]

for feat in lyr.getFeatures():
    lyr.dataProvider().changeAttributeValues({feat.id(): att_map})

Resulting attribute table shown below:

enter image description here

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