QGIS CAD – How to Copy and Position Circle Templates Using Mouse Click


I am looking for a way to copy some circles (see at picture) and put them on a new position by a mouse click. Most likely I would like to copy the circle with the different color of lines but the one in one shapefile with just one color would be okay as well.

Building a template of these circles and let me place them where I want them to be, would be great as well. I already tried the copy function with the QAD-Addon but it wont work.

enter image description here

Best Answer

  1. Select circle, toggle edit mode.

  2. Use Menu Edit / Copy Features (Ctrl-C), then Menu Edit / Paste Features (Ctrl-V).

  3. To move the pasted circle, click the Move feature (see documentation) icon (activate Advanced Digitizing toolbar if not visible: Menu View / Toolbars) and move the circle:

enter image description here


From your comments it becomes clear that you're rather looking after a solution for visualization purpose only. You can do that using Geometry generator and addig sever Symbol layers.

See the screenshot how to add a new symbol layer (green +), than select Geometry generator and choose the geometry type you'd like: for a circle, choose polygon. Then add the expression that creates the circle, here: buffer($geometry, 150) - 150 is the radius, you can change that.

Style the circle (no fill, green outline). You can add as many symbol layers as you want of any (simple fill, Geometry generatoretc.).

Screenshot showing how the green circle is created. Once set up, the three symbols (red dot, blue and green circle) will be automatically be created whenever you add a point: enter image description here

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