R Multipoint Conversion – Converting Points to Multipoint with Z Values


I have a dataset of POINTS with Z values and I would like to convert it to a MULTIPOINT dataset grouped by ID

I used the code from Converting points to polygons by group and it successfully grouped my points to multipoint but it dropped the z value.

Here is the code from the top answer of the other question which I based my own on:

xy = data.frame(x=runif(24), y=runif(24))
xy$ID = rep(1:6, each = 4)

xys = st_as_sf(xy, coords=c("x","y"))

polys = xys %>% 
  dplyr::group_by(ID) %>% 
  dplyr::summarise() %>%


Here is what I actually used on my data

lsp_mp2 <- lsp %>%
  dplyr::group_by(lsp$ID) %>%
  dply::summarise() %>%

How do I retain the Z value?

There is a column in my data with a Z value. The output of this function gave me an attribute table with only one column. All of the other columns were lost with this function.

Best Answer

Make a spatial sample data set with xyz geometry and an ID column:

d = data.frame(x=runif(20),y=runif(20),z=runif(20),id=sample(1:3,20,TRUE))
sd = st_as_sf(d, coords=1:3)

split it by the ID:

sdsplit = split(sd, sd$id)

run st_combine on each element:

sdcombine = Map(st_combine, sdsplit)

and join them all together:

sdset = do.call(c, sdcombine)

giving MULTIPOINT geometries for the ID groupings with XYZ preserved

> sdset
Geometry set for 3 features 
Geometry type: MULTIPOINT
Dimension:     XYZ
Bounding box:  xmin: 0.0440282 ymin: 0.03704024 xmax: 0.9970125 ymax: 0.9578563
z_range:       zmin: 0.3112239 zmax: 0.7384504
CRS:           NA
MULTIPOINT Z ((0.2610551 0.9356371 0.3112239), ...
MULTIPOINT Z ((0.7179385 0.3060261 0.0004098632...
MULTIPOINT Z ((0.8213335 0.3986064 0.8561131), ...

And if you want that as a one-liner (and I'll use Reduce instead of do.call for no good reason):

sdset = Reduce(c, Map(st_combine,split(sd,sd$id)))

Only uses base packages and sf.